How do you fit vintage Optimus Hiker burner
into the Trangia stove windscreen?

The Trangia stove is known to be a bombproof nasty weather stove for decades, because it has an excellent windscreen. However, the original alcohol burner of the Trangia is not very powerful.

Gunnar Finn, a well-known Swedish mountaineer, developed in the 1980’s a multifuel burner that he fitted to the Trangia windscreen. This legendary stove was called the KAP Arctic stove. About 10 years later Optimus company made a corresponding stove, the Optimus 11 Explorer.

These two stoves are very powerful, trusty, adjustable for serious cooking, and silent. Unfortunately both stoves are discontinued and they are very hard to find from eBay and other sources.

In contrast, vintage Optimus Hiker stoves, which use similar type burner as KAP Arctic and Optimus 11 Explorer, are very common and can be purchased for reasonable price from eBay, etc.

Given the above-mentioned facts, we asked ourselves if it is possible to fit Optimus Hiker burner into the Trangia windscreen, which would result in a newborn KAP Arctic stove!

Well, this site will tell you that fitting is easy and cheap with our adapters that are made in a professional metal turnery and a laser cutting company. You may also need some standard Optimus spare parts, depending on what Optimus stoves you already own.

Optimus Hiker to Trangia version

Optimus Hiker 111T, purchased as used.
Link list at the bottom.

The burner from the 111T-Hiker on the left.

Fuel hose and burner adapters.



The burner adapter will be shipped as plain in the envelope to minimize shipping costs.




The burner adapter is easy to bend by yourself. You need only common stongs to do it.

Bending instructions

The adapter locks the burner to its place, even if the stove is turned upside down. The burner is still easy to release. The locking feature may be left unused too, if you want.


In addition to the burner
and adapters,
you need to complete your stove:

  • Trangia windscreens.
  • Optimus / Primus Fuel pump.
  • Optimus / Primus Fuel hose.
  • Aluminium fuel bottle, most preferably 1 litre.

Cobra burner of Optimus 111C can also be installed into the Trangia using the hose adapter made by us, but in that case you have to use the original Optimus Trangia adapter.

Ultima Naltio Stove parts:
  • Fuel hose adapter between the Hiker burner and the Optimus Nova hose. Brass, length 22 mm, weight ca. 11 grams.
  • Fuel hose adapter  between the Hiker burner and the Primus OmniFuel hose. Brass, length 21 mm, weight ca. 10 grams.
  • Burner adapter for fitting the Optimus burner into the Trangia windscreen. Material 0.8 mm stainless steel, Ø94 mm, weight ca. 31 grams. Shipped flat.
  • Burners: Old, new, stock and vintage.

Visit our shop for a complete overview of available items. You may build the Ultima Naltio stove yourself or buy the complete assembly. More...


